Latest Episodes

Transforming Kindness
Pastors Bill Ramsey & Kory Bomar continue our series “Transform” with a message about the fruit of kindness and the effect it can have...

Transforming Patience
Pastors Bill Ramsey & Scott LeMeilleur continue our series “Transform” with a message about the fruit of patience and how God uses the trials...

Transforming Peace
Pastors Bill Ramsey & Mary Walls continue our series “Transform” with a message about the fruit of peace and how to manage the things...

Transforming Joy
Pastors Bill Ramsey & Micah Tomasella continue our series “Transform” with a message about the fruit of joy that is found no matter our...

Transforming Love
Pastors Bill Ramsey & Rob Johnson continue our series “Transform” with a message about the fruit of love that can transform our hearts and...

Transformed or Conformed
Pastors Bill Ramsey & Rob Johnson begin our new series “Transform” with a message about the difference between living a transformed life or conforming...