Latest Episodes

Go Where The Fish Are
Pastor Bill Ramsey continues our series “Fishing 101” with a message about building relationships with those around us to share the love of God.

Art Of Networking
Pastor Bill Ramsey continues our series “Fishing 101” with a message about using the gifts God has given you to reach the world around...

What's The Catch?
Pastor Bill Ramsey begins our new series “Fishing 101” with a message about getting back to the basics and understanding what we’re called to...

The Temple
Pastor Mary Walls concludes our series “Vacation” with a message from The Temple with the story of John the Baptist’s parents and how they...

Pastor Dallas Ovalle continues our series “Vacation” with a message from Judah about the story of Jehoshaphat and how we can learn from his...

Mt Sinai
Pastor Scott LeMeilleur continues our series “Vacation” with a message from Mt Sinai and how God ministered to Elijah during a time of depression.