Latest Episodes

Pastor Bill Ramsey continues our series “Proof” with a message about the miracle when Jesus healed the nobleman’s son.

Helping The Hurting
Pastor Bill Ramsey and his brother John conclude our series “What’s Next” with a message about the importance of helping those in need and...

Sharpen Our Focus
Pastor Bill Ramsey continues our series “What’s Next” with a message about focusing in on what is truly important to live a life of...

Connecting Through The Church
Pastor Bill Ramsey continues our series “What’s Next” with a message about the importance and value of being connected to the church body.

Reaching The Reachable
Pastor Bill Ramsey continues our series “What’s Next” with a message about building relationships that can make an impact on someone who does not...

Renew Our Love
Pastor Bill Ramsey begins our series “What’s Next” with a message about how to get back to the basics of Christianity in order to...